Unlock the secrets to achieving stress-free walks with fun games that teach your dog to focus on you rather than on the environment.
Boost your relationship as you play games that grow the skills of engagement (with you) and disengagement (from the environment).
Learn how to build the games and strategies into real-life so you and your dog can head out on stress-free adventures together!
21 lessons focused on tapping into your dog's desire to chase to control it easier.
Practical learning including whip games to emulate chase for more self-control and more.
Resources to support the video lessons and take your learning to the next level.
Unlock the knowledge and skills to become your tiny dog’s ultimate expert, safeguard their experiences and be their very best advocate.
Discover how to enhance your relationship with your teenage dog, reduce frustration in training and learn games to transform their behaviour.
Understand the "why" behind your adolescent dog's behaviour so you can help them become a balanced, well-rounded adult with an incredible training foundation layered in concepts and games.
Dive into written material designed to solidify your learning and track your transformative journey together.

Learn how to resolve your dog’s reactivity, aggression and anxiety for better behaviour and an improved relationship.
Discover tried-and-tested strategies to stop leash pulling and teach your dog to come when called every time.
Explore positive ways to prevent jumping on counters, barking at guests and destructive behaviours.
Learn science-based games and strategies that will help you and your dog prepare FOR the situations you will encounter IN the real world
Unlock learning that has transformed the lives of thousands of dogs all over the world and address your dog’s jumping struggles through the power of specific, targeted training games.
Feel more confident about going out and about without worrying if you're going to feel embarassed by your dog's behaviour.
Discover solutions that will help you to overcome all your dog’s bouncy behaviours, in the house, on walks, in the garden, around visitors and so much more!
Unlock the secrets to guiding your dog towards peace with strategies that address barking at life's every turn.
Arm yourself with powerful techniques to quell your dog’s urge to bark, fostering a sense of calm and confidence.
Dive into written material designed to solidify your learning and track your transformative journey together.